Frequently Asked Question: Is it possible to change the default text editor used by Git for commands like `git merge` or `git commit`?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

Can I change the default text editor used by Git for commands like git merge or git commit?

Can I change the default text editor used by Git for commands like git merge or git commit?

Yes, you can change the default text editor used by Git for commands like git merge or git commit by configuring the core.editor setting. You can set your preferred text editor using the following command:

git config --global core.editor [editor name]

Replace [editor name] with the command for your preferred text editor. For example, if you want to use Vim as your default editor, you can use:

git config --global core.editor vim

After setting the core.editor configuration, Git will use your specified text editor for commands that require user input for editing, such as git merge or git commit.

Answer for Question: Frequently Asked Question: Is it possible to change the default text editor used by Git for commands like `git merge` or `git commit`?